Climate—Nuclear Nexus Forum, Saturday September 24, 2016
In a damaged human habitat, all problems merge.
—Tim DeChristopher (Bidder 70)

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
—Native American Proverb
Please register as we need a head count for lunch. Registration is on a sliding-scale basis. No one turned away for lack of ability to pay. Please contact us at if you cannot pay but plan to come. This will help us with the lunch head count.
Pick Registration Level: $15 Student or low-income $30 Interested citizen $60 Professional
Please consider a donation to support attendance by those with limited means.
We are still living in the aftershock of Hiroshima, people are still the scars of history.
—Playwright Edward Bond
Registration/Check-in at 9:30 AM at the Des Moines Botanical Gardens.
Lunch included in the registration.
Man's attitude toward nature is today critically important simply because we have now acquired a fateful power to alter and destroy nature...but man is part of nature, and this war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.
—Rachel Carson
Download the Full Program PDF.
Key resource from the World Future Council (PDF) Climate-Nuclear Nexus, an April 2016 comprehensive report that explores the linkages between climate change and nuclear threats.
Organized by PSR Iowa. Cosponsored by Iowa UNA, Catholic Peace Ministry, and Veterans for Peace Chapter #161.
Learn more about the Des Moines Botanical Gardens.
UPCOMING PSR NATIONAL EVENT sponsored the PSR/Boston Chapter October 15, 2016 at Tufts Univeristy School of Medicine: "Climate Change and the Growing Risk of Nuclear War: A Health Care Perspective. Learn more about this important world class upcoming event and how to register! Medical & Nursing continuing education credit is available. The event may be live streamed, so stay tuned on how to connect.
We are the first generationn to feel the impacts of climate change and we are the last generation to do something about it.
--Ban Ki MoonTo not act on behalf of social change and ecological justice is our greatest risk.
--Terry Tempest Williams